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Dakota Koki

This is for all Projects and homework related things for Software engineering. As well as notes and point of references.

Dakota Koki

CS 460 Software Engineering

This is my protfolio of my senior project


My name is Dakota Koki I am a computer science major. Reason for this is to display my coding skills. I am from Hawaii and I enjoy playing video games as wells as playing trading card games. My point of view of computer science is that having some of the computer science skills is so needed in todays society. I chose this major because I wanted to work in cyber security, not trying to be a full analyist but more of the engineer who develops the programs. I pefer to be hands on in my work.


Here is a link to local repository on github:


Here is where all of the projects are located:
Homework #1
Homework #2
Homework #3
Homework #4
Homework #5
Homework #6
Homework #7
Homework #8
Homework #9